EXTRA LIGHT Exploratory Mission in USA

From 21 to 23 May 2024, EXTRALIGHT partners met in NewYork for their last exploratory international mission. The international mission aimed to evaluate business opportunities in the American market, particularly through participation in PublicTenders. During their stay, cluster managers had the opportunity to visit the ICFF Fair, a key event for international design, and engage…

EXTRA LIGHT last international mission is on the way!

The partners of Extra Light are on the way for another exploratory mission, scheduled for 21-23 May 2024, this time to New York (USA)! Great opportunity for Extra Light partners to gain firsthand insights into public procurement in the USA and meet representatives from New York City procurement department and other US municipalities, at the…

EXTRA LIGHT – “Mingle & Meet” Networking event

We invite you to participate in the “Mingle & Meet” networking in which the EXTRA LIGHT Consortium brings together 4 European lighting Clusters (Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, Cluster de Iluminación CICAT, Cluster Lumière, Building Innovation Cluster and ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance). The objective of this event is to create contact and business…

EXTRA LIGHT Exploratory Mission to Canada!

From 27th November to 1st December 2023, EXTRA LIGHT partners met in Toronto, Canada for their 2° exploratory international mission. Cluster managers had the opportunity to get valuable insights on the public procurement in Canada and engage in productive discussions with the strategic Canadian public buyers during the business meetings, representing the Ontario Public Buyers…

EXTRA LIGHT mission to Toronto is on the way

Extra Light clusters are organizing their second international mission to Toronto (Canada) in on 27 November – 01 December 2023! Cluster managers will have the opportunity to get first-hand information on public procurement in Canada thanks to meetings and discussions about the tendering processes directly with the Canadian public buyers including among them the City…


Extra Light project has launched the one2one advisory services to assist SMEs’ access to the public procurement process in the USA and Canada with the support of specialized experts, Avv. Isabella Pulcinelli and Dott. Mario Giacomelli. SMEs, belonging to the Extra Light partnership, will have the opportunity to benefit from customized advisory services for a…

EXTRA LIGHT Exploratory mission to Japan

On 27.02 – 02.03.2023, the EXTRA LIGHT Consortium organized its first project exploratory mission to Japan where the partner clusters had the opportunity to learn more about the public procurement and business market entrance opportunities for the EU lighting and furniture SMEs associated to Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, CICAT Lighting Cluster, Biz-Up Building…

DIGITAL TRAINING Public Procurement in the USA and Canada | Module 3 – USA Part 2

Module 3 – Meet the buyer & Build partnership & Know the competitors 11° Lesson: USA Part 2 WHEN Wednesday 01/02/2023 14:00 – 16:00 CET TRAINING TOPICS Training topics SPEAKER Mark Neill Leveraging a decade of experience bidding, winning, and delivering contracts for State Government Agencies, Municipal Authorities, Federal Agencies, and Private Companies, Mark provides training…